Raw Materials : Bi-cyclooctane, Bi-cycloheptane, Eugenol,Saponins, Fatty acids, Amino acids
Product Registration : National Agricultural Products QualityManagement Service (Organic FarmingMaterial Notification No. 2-2-299)
Features and Benefits
Contains amino acids essential for root crops.
Natural physiological regulators assist in the transition fromvegetative growth to reproductive growth.
Promotes root initiation, root bulking, and enhances storage life.
Harvesting seedlings (onions, green onions, etc.)- In cases where frequent rain makes it difficult to secure goodseed roots, it helps in harvesting high-quality seed roots.
Usage Instructions
Applicable Crops : All crops requiring bulking of tuberous roots - Carrots, radishes, ginger, potatoes, sweet potatoes,kohlrabi, beets, etc.
Timing of Use : 20 to 25 days of before harvest, during thegrowth period
Dosage : 1,000 times diluted solution x 1~2 times
Application Method : Foliar Application of Fertilizer