
Mixed Plant Org.Materials 

  • Net Weight
    20kg PE, 500 ~ 1,000kg Jumbo PP
  • Product Category
    Mixed oils and organic ingredients, Special crops, fruit crops, fruit trees, vegetables, horticulture
  • Composition
    4.0-2.0-1.0 + Organic70
  • Raw Material
    Castor oil 60%, Rapeseed oil 20% Rice bran 20%
  • Because it contains rapeseed and Castor oil, it is fast-acting and slow-acting.This enables stable growth and high quality harvesting
  • It contains rice bran and natural phosphoric acid and calciumIt makes it compact
  • It prevents various physiological disorders of crops and helps to improve the quality such as taste, color and sweetness
How to apply
Amount to Apply
7 - 10 Bags
Fruit Vegetable, Vegetable
Amount to Apply
10 - 15 Bags
Young Tree(Fruit Tree)
Amount to Apply
6 - 10 Bags (3-5kg/Tree)
Adult Tree(Fruit Tree)
Amount to Apply
10-20 Bags (6-10kg/Tree)

* Based on the basal fertilization.
Use an appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer
Reduce your chemical fertilizer usage when applying additional fertilizers

  • When applying fertilizer to the facility cultivation, gas damage may occur, so it must be used after fermentation.
  • When growing vegetables or transplanting young trees, apply fertilizer first and till the land 15-20 days before sowing.
  • In case of fruit trees, apply whole layer placement of fertilizer and till the land otherwise apply deep placement of fertilizer.
  • Mixing with alkaline fertilizer, unfermented organic fertilizer and unfermented compost can cause nutrient loss and gas obstruction
  • This fertilizer is strictly forbidden to feed animals because it can pose a serious health risk to the animals.